How to stay fit in winter

How to stay fit in winter

While keeping a fitness routine throughout the dark, harsh winter days might be difficult, we believe that fitness is an important aspect of improving and sustaining physical and mental health. Michaela Afford, our wellbeing personal trainer, offers five great recommendations to help you stay on track with your fitness goals.
1. Set realistic goals
Make sure your objectives are not just measurable but also achievable. To help you stay motivated, set both short and long-term goals. Setting short-term goals that you can attain in one, two, or three months will give you a sense of accomplishment as you work toward your longer-term objectives. Making goals realistic is frequently the first roadblock. If you've never run before, don't set a goal of completing a marathon in eight weeks. Habits must be developed over time. Setting goals and failing to meet them is more likely to demotivate you and lead to relapse into undesirable behaviours.
2. Mix it up
To add a social element to your routine, avoid doing things that bore you. Instead, try a new workout class or train with a friend. Seek professional counsel; personal trainers have the knowledge and experience to help you achieve your goals more quickly and efficiently. You don't have to commit to weekly sessions, but you may ask for assistance in putting together a training programme.
3. Exercise doesn’t end at the gym
There are numerous things you may do in your daily life to improve your fitness; minor changes can have a significant impact. Every 90 minutes, get up and stretch your body by going to the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea or stepping outside for some fresh air. You'll thank your body for it.
4. Gradually build up the volume of training
When you're motivated and everything is fresh, it's simple to put yourself into training five days a week. This, however, can lead to exhaustion and, more often than not, injury. Begin with twice a week and gradually increase. Going from nothing to everything is not recommended or feasible in the long run.
5. Reward yourself
Take pride in your accomplishments. Make sure you acknowledge when you do something you didn't believe you could or when you meet one of your goals. You've worked hard to get to that place, whatever it is, and you should be proud of yourself! We are committed to making America a healthier place. We are well-positioned to provide connected care, ranging from personal training and health MOTs to assisting people on their fitness journeys, with 114 fitness and wellbeing centres across the UK.

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